Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, is an island nation situated in the Indian Ocean, southwest of the Bay of Bengal. Its population of approximately 22 million is characterized by a rich diversity of ethnicities. The majority are Sinhalese, with significant communities of Sri Lankan Tamils, particularly in the northern regions. Other ethnic groups include the Moors, Indian Tamils, Burghers, Malays, Chinese, and the indigenous Vedda people.
Economically, Sri Lanka is classified as a developing country and boasts the highest Human Development Index ranking in South Asia, alongside the region's second-highest per capita income. However, the nation faces significant economic challenges, including currency devaluation, high inflation rates, and shortages of essential goods. These issues have sparked widespread protests, calling for substantial governmental reforms to effectively address the crisis.
Population: 20.3 million
Population Density: 325 Population per sq km
Population Growth Rate: -0.65 (Provisional)
Life Expectancy at Birth: Female - 78.6 , Male - 72.0 (2011-2013)
Literacy Rate: 93.1%
Digital Literacy Rate: 60%
Languages: Sinhala & Tamil is widely spoken throughout Sri Lanka.
Ethnic Mix: Sinhalese - 74.9%, Sri Lankan Tamil - 11.2%, Indian Tamil - 4.1%, Sri Lanka Moor - 9.3%, Burgher - 0.2%, Malay - 0.2%, others - 0.1% (descendants of Dutch and Portuguese colonist) and others 0.5% (2012 est)
Religion: Buddhist - 70.1%, Hindu - 12.6%, Islam - 9.7%, Roman Catholic - 6.2%, Other Christian - 1.4%
Climate: Low lands – tropical, average 27°C Central Hills – cooler, with temperatures dropping to 14°C. The south-west monsoon brings rain to the western, southern and central regions from May to July., while the north-eastern monsoon occurs in the north and east in December and January. Sri Lanka boasts of a good climate for holiday-makers throughout the year.
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